Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

2008 has been a very "exciting" year, to say the least! From the economic downturn that has plagued millions of people throughout the world to a Presidential election in the US like the world has never seen, things have been all over the place. As we wrap up 2008 and head into 2009, here's hoping things are "fine"!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Big Three and the Big Bailout

It's no surprise to most people that the US economy is going through some trying times... The stock market has been a crazy roller coaster, seeing some of the largest 1-day rises and drops ever over the past few months. The mortgage crisis. Jobless claims are at something like a 26-year high. Businesses are closing. Gas prices had shot up over $4 earlier in the year, which was a HUGE blow to the Big Three automakers, GM, Chrysler, and Ford. Auto sales declined greatly, affecting much more than just the auto industry. The economy has gotten hit pretty much across the board, taking with it millions of older Americans' retirement dreams with it.

The Big Three automakers want a bailout. The leaders of each came to Washington to ask for a handout. Each flew in a private jet and that became a big sticking point. These companies wanted money, saying that they could not sustain themselves without a bailout. They said they were "too big to fail". The failure of any one would be devestating to an already ailing economy and the failure of all 3 would be far worse! Yet, while not able to survive, they all had the means to fly their private jets into Washington. GM told Congress they won't have they money to pay their bills by the end of the month, while Chrysler can survive until at least early next year. Ford is not as bad off.

So, a $14 billion bailout stalled in Congress. After the bank and mortgage bailout, can the government continue these? I am trying to save up the money for a plane ticket to Washington, where I will be requesting my own mortgage bailout. I am only going to be requesting $13 million, so a drop in the bucket like that should pass quickly.

The bailout has people split on what would be best. It is most definitely true that a failure of one, two, or all 3 Detroit automakers would be devestating, especially to what is already one of the poorest cities in the nation. The repercussions would be massive and would create another wave throughout the nation's economy. Joblessness is already at some of the highest levels seen in the past few decades. Could the economy even sustain such a blow at this time? It's tough to say...

On the opposite side of the coin is not bailing out Detroit. Can we really give more public funds to private corporations with little in return, but the promise of spending it? This isn't the first bailout for Detroit's automakers. Is it the last? Shouldn't we have very strict requirements that go with the money, instead of just handing it over? The automakers have not shown that they are even in touch with the people and what people want in a car. Foreign automakers, such as Honda, Toyota, and Volkswagen, have developed much smaller and more efficient cars, while Detroit has been plugging along at the same pattern. Shouldn't we require that they develop more efficient cars and greener technologies? If they are just going to take the money and use it to continue to stay the course, how many more bailouts are the American people going to be asked to shoulder before enough is enough?

It's a tough issue to muddle through and it's tough to know what the right move is going to be. I'm torn in both directions. I think a bailout would be a positive in that it will save millions of jobs and not allow another collapse to our economy. I also think that perhaps we should let them fail. They're going to fail. It's just a matter of when. How long must we postpone this debacle, when foreign automakers could come in and pick up the pieces of a shattered domestic auto industry and create jobs that are geared towards the future?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Living on the Cheap

Ok, here's a quick break from the political scene for a change...

If there's one thing I've learned, having earned single-digit hourly wages for 90% of my earning career, it's how to really live on the cheap. I've gained a pretty good insight on how to make things seem pretty luxurious on the budget that most would look at as pretty stifling. I learned long ago how to make ends meet and then some while only pulling in pennies.

I'd like to think I live pretty comfortably, based on how others live. I'd like to think I even have the options of many luxuries at the same time. In my current situation, I'm able to cut costs like crazy. My work pays for a bus pass for me for free! I also bike to work. That eliminates ALL travel costs, aside from plane travel. It also covers a lot of working out, cutting gym costs.

The next biggest cost, outside of travel, are dining. Now I won't say I don't eat out at restaurants, but when I don't, it costs me typically less than dollars. I don't buy things that aren't on sale about 90% of the time. When I go to the grocery, I have things I want to buy, but then I put them up against prices. I always want cottage cheese, but only buy when it's on sale. I rarely have meat at the house because it's just kind of expensive. I always buy tomato soup because aside from being a super-cheap meal, it's also high in lycopene, which is a super-health "additive". It also turns dinner into a $0.59 meal if I have tomato soup for dinner! $2.59 allows a luxurious soup in a freshly baked sourdough bread bowl! Doctor it with a couple spices and it's delish! I found chicken drumsticks for $0.89/lb. and that equated to $4 for 14 big drumsticks! That made me dinner of oven-baked "fried" chicken and lunch and breakfast the next day for under $2! Now, that's a bargain! The night before, I'd thrown a big handful of potatoes in the oven for baked potatoes. That cost about $1. That has brought my food costs to about $5 for a few days of eating, not considering spices and such that I've already paid for. I typically paid $3.95 for a salad for lunch, which is dirt cheap, but paying a dollar more for 3-4 days of eating, breakfast-dinner is fantastic!! I stopped paying for the already cheap salad at work because I also realized that I can have lunch for the week for about the same as a salad! There's so many other ways to save like I'll buy frozen veggies when they're $1/lb. They have all the nutrients and are so easy to prepare. Food is so easy on a budget if you just focus...

Going out? I am usually ready to hit up all the cheapest spots, but I've been shown, by my sister Lu and Dad, how easy it is to hit up happy hour specials that are often cheaper than all my dive bars and even cheaper than Than Brothers! You can hit up these spots with food and drinks for prices usually reflective of an entree or two!

There are so many other ways to save BIG time, spending less than everybody while living like the best of the best. There's places to get suits on the cheap (I love to dress up), shoes at a discount, and live like a King on a pauper's budget. You just need to pay attention to what's going out. While it's nice to see all of the savings, there's still nothing better than splurging once in a while and with all the savings you'll deserve it!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Sarah Palin Effect

One thing I've been unable to understand, especially through this election year, is why people would choose someone that was seemingly incompetent, but was somebody they could relate to, for a job that was ultimately going to affect those making the decision. (Sorry, I'm weaning myself off of strictly political talk, but not cold turkey.) Ok, I was calling Sarah Palin seemingly incompetent here, but I'm not trying to pick fights, as I understand there are some bitter feelings in the aftermath of this election... What I don't understand is why would people consider someone wrong for a job, potentially not so wrong? "Joe the Plumber" is considering running for Congress in the future. He was dragged around on the campaign trail speaking his thoughts on the elections! Who is listening to some random guy that is working, with questionable legality, as a plumber and looking to him for political guidance?!?! What sense does this make and why does it happen in Politics? We don't turn to the farmer to gauge his enlightened viewpoints on our 401(k)'s. We don't look to our mechanic to check out a toothache. Why look to people with no business in politics or maybe just no business at the national level in some cases, in the hopes that they will be the ones best suited to making decisions for us?!?! It seems a little mad to me. On the opposite side, though, so did cries of being elite. I want the best, most elite and well-trained doctors, lawyers, and leaders! I don't want Joe Schmoe, Joe the Plumber, or Joe Sixpack filling any of those roles, personally... I am kind of an elitist, though...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Time for Change Arrived!

Well, it finally came and went, one of the most anticipated Election Days in ages... Tensions were high for everybody even slightly interested in the elections and I think this was one of the most highly watched elections in US history. With today's modern technology, it was also watched around the world in real time and people all around the world were excited when at 8:00pm last night, just as the west coast polls closed, Barack Obama was named as the next President of the United States. I know that there are many who were not excited and are actually bitter, from my experiences today, but last night, there was such a rush of excitement in the city of Seattle! People were running the streets, honking horns, yelling cheers, high-fiving, and practically EVERYBODY was happy and excited! It was like a wave of good feelings had just rushed over the city of Seattle (and from the calls and texts I received, all over the world)! Everybody was calling, texting, congratulating, celebrating, and communicating! It was really something. I felt the biggest relief after what felt like an endless campaign leading up to yesterday. It was such a relief on the one hand, but I was still very nervous about Washington's Gubernatorial race between the incumbent Governor Gregoire and Dino Rossi. It was looking really good around midnight and I finally felt like I could relax even more! The feeling in the air last night was incredible and just a wash of relief for so many around the world. Now, we need to maintain that feeling, but everybody needs to not just consider everything finished. We who wanted the change and everybody, actually, needs to keep on working towards improving our situation, changing the nation positively and rebuilding!

I'm still a little worried because I haven't heard what happened with Tim Eyman's latest proposal, but I hope it didn't pass!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day!!!

Well, this is it! The day that has been being led up to for the last two years... It's election night, 2008. Polls have closed in 9 states. It is exciting and yet very tense. If you haven't yet, quit reading and go vote! I'm not going to write much now as I'm en route to a poll watching party, but give us something to watch!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is Barack Obama Really a Socialist?!?!

At a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, Barack Obama took another stab at the idea being constantly thrown around lately by practically everyone in the McCain camp, that Obama is a socialist. Obama's comments on this were, "I’m sorry to see my opponent sink so low. Lately, he’s called me a socialist for wanting to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class. By the end of the week, he’ll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in Kindergarten." Haha, that's a great and amusing way to brush off McCain's latest jab!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Week Away!

So, one week from today, November 4th, the people will finish heading out to the polls and will elect our next President of the United States. It has been a game-changing election in a number of ways. Barack Obama has raised more money than any Presidential candidate ever. He is also the first ever African-American to become one of the top two candidates on the ticket. Sarah Palin is only the second woman to ever get the nomination for VP. If John McCain wins, he will be the oldest person to be elected President of th US. There are so many exciting variables, aside from these that are making this one of the most important and memorable elections in our nation's history. It has really excited so many people who have never before voted, along with those who have long felt disenfranchised and have removed themselves from the political process until now.

We are also approaching a time when our economy is seeing lows and heading towards what many analysts have already named a recession. Layoffs, foreclosures, unemployment, and bank failures have been dramatically on the rise. This is becoming a global phenomenon, with foreign markets also falling greatly and even Iceland's economy crumbling. Consumer confidence has fallen immensely and the retail markets are suffering, preempting even more job losses. This approaching Christmas season is not expected to be anywhere near past levels for the retail sector.

I forget where I was going with this, but one essential point is that if you haven't already sent in your absentee ballot or participated in early voting, get out there on Election Day and let your voice be heard! I think that for once, so many people who felt like their vote wouldn't make a difference are starting to realize that they will. Everybody NEEDS to get out there and vote!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell backs a Presidential Candidate

Retired Secretary of State Colin Powell, a well-known Republican, spoke on NBC's Meet The Press this morning with Tom Brokaw. In this meeting, in what is another in the many waves of support for Senator Barack Obama, Powell backed Democratic candidate Obama. Will this push the numbers further in favor of the Obama-Biden campaign? It's tough to say, but I'd say it will likely aid in and be another push for undecideds who might otherwise be leaning more towards John McCain. We can only wait and see at this point...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Couple of Updates...

Just a couple of random updates because I found out I can post through my BlackBerry when I'm using Opera Mini...

DJ Marty (yup, that's right, the One Man Party)... Well, there is a follow-up coming because the story didn't end where it left off. The everlovin' some-color-eyed DJ caught wind of the article I'd written about him and didn't take it lightly. It came down to threats of different varieties that really make for an interesting chapter two! It'll be coming soon, but I need to get emails off my work computer...

Band stuff is coming along with my new band, "Chico and the Chicano Boys". More on that in the near future.

Debate Number Three

So last night was the third and final Presidential debate between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama. The McCain camp seemed to be promising a vitriolic performance for the last showdown and the elder Senator came out swinging. He had this final evening to hold the large viewing audience and turn the tides from Obama. He threw out Bill Ayers, ACORN, and had a snappy retort to Obama's comparison of him to President Bush (George W.). Senator McCain was on the offensive from the get-go, but was it enough? I'd say no and this morning, the polls seemed to agree, showing Obama as the viewed "winner".

Senator Obama kept a clear head, never got frazzled, and that was more than enough right there. He kept his composure and looked the part of the Presidential one.

The biggest talk of the night had to be Joe the Plumber, a gentleman that Senator Obama encountered and spoke to while campaigning. Joe spoke about wanting to buy the company he's worked for for years and his worries that Obama would tax him heavier. Did talk of Joe the Plumber affect things? Maybe, but I don't think it was to much a degree, if any (for the Presidential candidates). Hopefully, Joe the Plumber has been able to convert his newfound fame into increased business for himself! McCain did say he wanted Joe the Plumber spreading the wealth around after all...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


At this point, it appears that Barack Obama has run away in the polls, leaving McCain sputtering and throwing every negative attack and the kitchen sink at him in an attempt to slow his rise. The McCain campaign has moved so far away from the economic issues, at a time when the stock market has had such plunges last week that there was an obscene amount of money lost, especially important to those who are older and closer to retirement that might have had retirement accounts such as 401(k)'s that relied on investments. When the markets are taking a dive, the banking industry has been falling apart, mortgage crises have threatened the American Dream, what has the McCain campaign been focusing on?

"Who is Barack Obama?"

That's become the main focus. From Obama's association to William Ayers, a 1960's anti-war activist, to rehashing stories of Obama's connection to his one-time pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the McCain campaign would like to dig up any bit of dirt that might be lying in Barack Obama's backyard, while ignoring the mountain in McCain's. The association of McCain to the Keating 5 (which I think is fairly unimportant or at least currently irrelevant, much like William Ayers' past when Obama was a young boy) or the association of Sarah Palin to her own husband, who was a member of a political party set on seceding from the United States, seems to play no role in the "importance of associations".

It is one day before the last Presidential Debate and probably what will be the last chance that Senator McCain has to change the tide. He really will need to step up and make a difference because anything less will not be sufficient. Senator Obama, on the other hand, probably needs only not mess up and remain looking "Presidential" to maintain his lead and keep the flow going. McCain will no doubt be throwing every possible attack and argument up at Obama tomorrow night since this will be close to the final showdown. As we are 3 weeks away from the big election night, there will be little else as influential as the debate tomorrow to change the minds of undecided voters. Hopefully, the debate will not just be filled with angry rhetoric and negative attacks, but some possible solutions to the many many crises that the United States is facing and approaching in the near future. All the negative attacks in the world aren't going to solve any of these...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Politics of Age

Well, as we are heading right into the thick of the Presidential campaigns and politics are one of the big talks of the town, one thing starts to worry me a bit.  Now, I don't think it's any secret to most people that I am a strong Obama supporter.  Well, with all that keeps constantly getting brought out about the McCain campaign, it's hard to imagine they could win in November.  McCain's Spain interview, McCain's firm belief that the U.S. economy is "strong" (at least up until a day or two ago when he decided the best action would be to fire the SEC Commissioner), Palin's lack of comprehension as to what the "Bush Doctrine" was or referred to, Palin's "world view" being that there are some places in Alaska where you can actually see real Russian land from, and much more...  All of those things really scare me, thinking that there is a potential for McCain and Palin to be the leaders of what is supposed to be the "greatest country in the world".  

Unfortunately, the biggest thing I'm worried about in this election time is voters feeling less motivated as we get towards the "goal"...  Voters feeling like, "Hey, we've got this one in the bag!" and not voting.  Unfortunately, it happens with younger voters, as older much more right-leaning voters tend to vote in much higher numbers.  The younger voters, while very excited and pumped up right now, strongly holding up the Obama campaign and bringing new voters by the boatload, must stick to the "plan".  It's a very simple plan and really just amounts to getting out the vote and GETTING OUT AND VOTING.  I've got to be honest.  I'm VERY afraid that when it comes down to it, a lot of the people who were pumped up six months ago, those that are excited right now, and are just getting interested will start losing interest and feel that the election is already decided and that they won't be able to affect things one way or another.  I hate to think that such a thing would happen, but it has before and we just need to all get out there, bring our friends and family, and vote this November!

Also, with all the focus on the Presidential election, don't forget about local governmental elections, as these are going to be the closest people that are representing all of us and the easiest to get in contact with for our own feedback and to push what we hope are our agendas moving on.  We need to get people who are fighting for us in our local governments as much as in the White House!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


While I haven't been able to find much time to post here, I have somehow been able to find time to create a whole new blog,, just dedicated to what's been happening at my work, just in case people have been missing what was occurring over there. It's HIGHLY interesting and the action and suspense will leave you riveted to your seat, reading away at what would otherwise seem like just mindless drivel.

Aside from that, I've been highly interested in seeing what Sarah Palin had to say in her first interview. I was pretty surprised that she didn't have any concept of what the "Bush Doctrine" meant, but honestly... I wasn't terribly surprised. It's tough when the polar bears start speaking out against you... They've gained a great number of fans, especially ever since those Coca-Cola commercials where they were really just made to look very adorable and where they loved Coca-Cola just like all real Americans do.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Fight Night!!! Biden vs. Palin

So, the 2008 Presidential elections are now on their way!  With both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions finished and the candidates all in their positions and ready to roll, campaign season is finally in full swing!

Now while Obama and McCain have been ready to go toe to toe for some time, the most interesting story is the VP picks.  Now, Joe Biden, Barack Obama's choice for the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate is no slouch.  He's a well-known individual with a long track record, years of experience in politics and national and international affairs and relations.  His portfolio is pretty extensive.  There is no denying that.  He's even an old friend of political rival for the run of the nation, John McCain!

The Republican VP pick, on the other hand, was the biggest surprise and is really causing the most stir of all!  Sarah Palin, the Governor of the distant state of Alaska, is John McCain's choice for the second most powerful seat in the nation.  She is a virtual unknown and was seemingly picked out of nowhere.  There has been much speculation that the vetting process for her was not nearly the extensive process that most any other VP candidates have gone through.  Her being an unknown and also seeming to have not been vetted as thoroughly as others, people are anxious to find out what will come out of her proverbial closet and media sources are happy to oblige and are digging up plenty that they can find!  Already, stories have been "blowing up" about the things that people have found out about the seemingly mysterious woman!  So far on the table now:
  • The extent of her political career is that she was mayor of the small town of Wasilla, Alaska for two terms and has been the Governor of Alaska for less than two years.
  • She decided that it was in her and her baby's best interests to fly across the country to Alaska after her water broke and she was a month early for delivery.
  • Sarah Palin's 17 year-old unmarried daughter, Bristol, is currently pregnant and engaged to be married to the father, 18 year-old Levi Johnston, who describes himself as a "f___'in redneck".
  • On Levi Johnston's MySpace page, before it was removed, where it asked about kids, he wrote "I don't want kids."
  • Sarah Palin shows great disrespect to those who have and do play the role of community activists.
Now, are all these things really pertinent in the upcoming election?  Maybe there are ways that some of these will be...  The point is that this is just what was dug up within the first day.  Many more stories are sure to come out, mostly because so little is known about her by the general public.  She seems to be shielded right now from really fielding questions, so the highly anticipated day, though weeks away, is going to be "Biden vs. Palin": Fight to the Finish!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sigg Water Bottles

In the wake of the plastic industry's worries and scrambling over the leaching of chemicals into water in many plastic bottles, including Nalgene's well-known bottles, that contained Bisephenol-A (BPA), one product that has been around for quite a long time has become much more popular. This is Sigg's aluminum liquid storage bottles.

Sigg bottles have been famous with "heavy duty" campers, backpackers, and climbers for many years and are becoming more popular with people due to worries about BPA. They are made from aluminum, but before you worry about links to Alzheimer's Disease worries, these have a special lining in them that is practically unbreakable, much like the bottles themselves. These bottles are superlight, typically have really attractive graphics, and have no discernable tastes that leak to the beverages stored within. This last one is a big issue as too many people are complaining about new BPA-free bottles and their problems of having a "plasticky" taste leach into the water, ruining the flavor.

These bottles are really durable, a great product, but a little more expensive than their plastic counterparts. A 1-liter bottle will cost around $19-22, typically. These are so durable that they might be the last bottles you'll ever need, so a one-time cost will afford you years of usage! There's many different interchangeable tops as well that turn it into a water bottle with a drinking cap, lid with a loop for connecting to bags and such, and other lids. These are a great product that are finally coming to the more acclaim they've deserved for years. They're a fashion statement, a health concern statement, and a great product all in one!

McDonald's "Espresso"

McDonald's new commercials advertising their new espresso offerings have struck me as pretty insulting to anyone who frequents coffee shops, Starbucks, and anywhere else that offers espresso that isn't McDonald's. People that visit other coffee shops are painted as pretentious and fake. They're also depicted as not wanting to be that way and having to put on a front for their other friends as a show. It seems they're insulting people, then asking them to come to McDonald's to be themselves. I find it hard to imagine that a good marketing strategy is to insult those you are intending to woo and then tell them that they should come to your business. I am not the biggest coffee house fanatic, though I do love coffee, but I tend to get a drip coffee over espresso, most days. It seems like this strategy can't be working too well as McDonald's has started up their free espresso Fridays again, so it seems like people didn't just get the first taste and fall in love with their coffee or their "laid-back" atmosphere. It's true that Starbucks has been feeling the brunt of a slowing economy, but that is a far different thing from calling people fake and pretentious. These ads aren't appealing to just price, they're biting the hand they want to feed them...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Goodbye Tim Russert...

Tim Russert, a political commentator and analyst probably best known for his role as the host of Sunday morning's "Meet the Press", died today of a heart attack. He was only 58. A lot of famous people's deaths occur in which I think, "That's too bad...", but I feel a lot sadder that he has passed than many other "famous" people you hear about. He was a really intelligent man and interviewed most anybody who was anybody in the Political field. He would ask hard-hitting questions that could leave a politician squirming to find a way out and keep on hammering away with a nice volley to get to the "inside" of the person he was speaking to. He will def be remembered as an influencial man and his face is def recognizable, even if you don't know who he was, per se. He would be on NBC anytime elections were coming up and he was constantly a political commentator/guest speaker/interviewer/debate host/etc.
He came into my, as well as many others', house most every Sunday morning where he faced countless guests, candidates running for political offices, politicians, and many more, each week, asking very tough questions and putting them in the hot seat, but always fairly and doing it by asking them directly about their own beliefs, their own statements they had made, and their own actions. He was a fair and classy moderator of Meet The Press and became sort of like a member of the family, "coming over" each Sunday morning for breakfast and some political conversation.
6/15/2008: Additionally, for this morning's Meet The Press, Tom Brokaw hosted and had a number of Russert's colleagues and analysts on the show, such as James Carville and Maria Shriver was on via satellite. It was a very touching and heartfelt hour, looking back at the life of a man who from such simple working-class roots made his way up to having interviewed and grilled most of the most powerful and influencial figures in politics today. It really was moving, but great to see all sides of him, talking about his avid sports interests, his strong Catholic background, his family life, and his focus on the importance of Fathers and Fatherhood, on this first Sunday after his death, which was Father's Day. I was really happy to see how this took place in this first Meet The Press after his death and I had a lot of tears at the end, during their slideshow/clips of the man from his early life throughout his career.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ban the Bottle!

I'm still working on trying to propose a container tax for water bottles (at least, or cans/bottles/etc.), but it seems a longer process than I thought. Well, not really, but I read that trying to write a bill for it would be easier to make progress with because you then just submit it to whoever, like submitting to Senator Cantwell to try to get her to push it further, for example.

In the meantime, something that has already happened that is a pretty good step has been Mayor Nickels' ban on the city of Seattle purchasing bottled water. It's only for the city of Seattle and might not sound like much, but the city of Seattle spent $58,000 on bottled water last year! $58,000!!! I think that taxpayers can all think of better ways to spend tax money than overpriced water, though they might pay for it at home. But aside from the financial savings that will be had, there is also the oil saved from less water bottles created and less waste created as an aftermath and considering how great our water is that comes out of the tap in Seattle, bottled water really does seem like a waste and just a luxury convenience.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Plastic Water Bottle Deposits?

I don't remember what it was that got me thinking about it, but I started thinking yesterday or the day before that we really need to implement a deposit on plastic water bottles to increase the amount of recycling of these. People are buying these in such great numbers, especially considering that in Washington, we have some of the purest cleanest water around. Actually, most places in the US have water that is just great for drinking! People are willing to pay 10x and more for bottled water, which is often actually not as clean and sometimes it's actually tap water that's just been bottled to make it more "convenient"!!

I understand that the problem is that recycling is less available outside of the home and office, where it really seems useful to carry bottled water. That's a whole separate issue, but perhaps by having a $.05 deposit on these bottles, something I believe has already been implemented in California and has been implemented with aluminum cans in a number of states, the rate of recycling of these would greatly increase. In Michigan, where there is a $0.10/bottle deposit, 95% of deposit containers are recycled! 95%!! That's pretty big time, I'd say. Adding initiative to the whole thing is one way that's almost a surefire way to get these items recycled, whether it's by the consumers who are using the bottles or people turning trash into cash. Regardless of who recycled them, they'd be getting recycled and decreasing our consumption of petroleum, which is already known to not be a limitless resource for us on this planet. They'd also be decreasing our output of garbage, which is seemingly becoming something we have an endless supply of, especially in the US where consumption of everything is just ridiculously high.

Perhaps we can move towards a statewide bottle deposit for Washington or even further, a national program that could help on an even greater scale, but something needs to be done to increase the sad rate of recyling of these items that have become a staple in so many people's purses, backpacks, cars, briefcases, hands, and everywhere else people can fit them. I'd still rather promote using reusable bottles and refilling them, which saves everybody from the waste and the added expense, but I'm not so disillusioned that I believe people are going to stop using bottled water, especially here in the US, where everything has to be about convenience and the slightest hassle is a big deal.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ride Your Bike To Work Day/Week/Month!!!

Well, I haven't had as much time as I was hoping for and didn't get a chance to mention it here, but today is Ride Your Bike To Work Day! They are expecting about 20,000 people will commute to work via bike today, higher than last year's approximately 19,000. It is also Ride Your Bike To Work Week! This month, haha, is also Ride Your Bike To Work Month, to top it all off! While I meant to write more about this sooner, at the very least, sooner than the actual day of, I have been trying to increase my own riding and have been riding daily to get back into more frequent riding. I made my usual commute from Edmonds to Redmond for work today and it was great to be out as the weather was already beautiful at 5:30am and there were more people out than the typical 5-6 people I will usually see at this early hour. Also, there were booths set up along the trail "celebrating" today and offering free foods, lights, water bottles, and such! It's great to see people out biking, even if some people will indeed only do it for just today! If it is just for today, still 20,000 people are not in their cars, not clogging up traffic, and not kicking in a little more to the pollution out there! I tried to get some more people biking this week by giving one friend of mine one of my old bikes and going to another friend's house and actually fixing his bike and then riding into work with him the next day to get him on the bike to start. It's a great time to start getting into shape for the summer, saving up some money on the increasing gas costs, especially with Memorial Day and the typical rising Summer gasoline prices on the way, and just strengthening that "bike engine" a little bit to prime it and get it running a little smoother!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Simple Savings for a Budget-Minded Time

Right now, times are really at the point where people are watching their pennies in their pocketbooks. People are also thinking an awful lot more about living a little "greener". I've got to say, one of the simplest things that I did to save a little money and cut down a little bit of the landfill growth was to switch to cloth napkins. I can't lie, though... I've been guilty on more than one occasion of grabbing enough napkins from a napkin dispenser while eating to wipe up the whole restaurant. Sometimes, I feel like I'm grabbing napkins for everybody I know. It became ingrained in me for so long. I even used to grab a handful to load up my (already stuffed full) glovebox in my car. I've tried to reduce that nowadays and not use a napkin once and then go back to the large stack next to my plate.

I think I made the switch a little over two years ago. I hadn't even really thought about the usage until one day, I was talking to my sister (criticizing is probably more accurate) about the amount of paper towels that she was pulling off the roll to clean up a spill of water or something along those lines. She remarked about it being the same as using napkins after I'd scolded her and talked about the waste of paper and that's when it hit me. I wasted so many napkins all the time without even batting an eye. That night, I went to Target and looked for cloth napkins. I found a cool color that would go with my place and grabbed a couple of packs and left, very content with myself.

I guess it's also just an easy project if you're handy with a sewing machine to make up a few, as all you need is some scrap material of your choice to stitch the ends up on. That way, you could make some that you wouldn't feel hesitant about using on a mess because you can choose the material. Heck, you can make some just for the messy meals, make or buy some nice ones for guests, etc.

Since I began using cloth napkins, I feel like it's the only way to go. I used to love cloth napkins when you'd go to a nice restaurant and it just felt classy. Now, I could enjoy that feeling all the time! I even keep a couple at work for my lunches there. It feels good and it's just an even better feeling knowing that I'm saving all the wasted paper of paper napkins. It's cheaper as well even considering you have to wash them, as you can just throw them into an already full laundry and it doesn't really even make any difference to the load!

Another unfortunate thing about paper napkins is that they're almost always not recyclable. On one part, usually recyclables with food/food particles aren't considered recyclable by a lot of recycling programs and I also read that paper napkins contain something in them that can clog recycling machinery (I don't have a source handy). This means that they're pretty much going straight into the landfills that we've already got pretty well loaded and expanding.

For me, this change was just one more thing that made me feel like I was doing my part and walking the walk of all the talk I do about environmental issues and reducing waste. This isn't to say that I don't ever use paper napkins when I'm out and about or when washing my hands at a public restroom, but I'm just more conscious of my usage these days.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The West Central Florida DJ Scene: Corruption (or Disruption) on the Dance Floor?

When you first think of the DJ scene in West Central Florida, you think of the weddings, the parties, the fun. You don’t think of the beefs between DJ’s, the constant fighting over who rules the turf, who DJ’s best, who runs the West.

Unfortunately, that seedier underbelly of the DJ scene unveiled itself to me, an unwitting pawn in "the game", earlier this week. Needless to say, I was pretty shocked to find infighting where I thought I’d find solidarity, bickering rather than brotherhood…

It all began when I received an email from one DJ Marty the One Man Party, AKA Martin Sullivan, West Central Florida’s answer to the call for NY’s finest (DJ’s). DJ Marty has been DJ’ing in Florida since 1994, running the gamut from weddings to Bat Mitzvahs to emceeing parties. His letter read as follows (my personal data has been deleted, but the rest remains the same, any spelling and grammatical errors and all):

"What do you charge Yo & how much you willing to pay Yo! This is a buisness Yo & not MySpace.
DJ Marty The One Man
Name :* Sione
Address :* ----
Email Address :* ----
Phone : ----
Date of Event : 4/30/2008
Type of Event : Party
Approximate Number of People : 190
Comments :*
Yo Marty the one MAN party! How much does your partay cost yo?!

I was a little bit surprised by the tone of his email and his dismissal of what could potentially be a future customer. I let him know that by sending him the following email response:

Hello DJ Marty,

I’m not sure who filled out this form in my name, but I can assure you that it was not me. Still, this seems like an inappropriate way to respond to customers. Also, if you are into a more formal addressing, wouldn’t your response tend to be a little less childish and not include misspelled words? If you are intending to attract customers, which I assume you are, I’ve looked at your website and it looks like you might be relying on a bit more than just that to do the job. Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the most valuable assets a good business can have on its side and to throw this to the wind is foolish for a business to do. You’ve brought your own actions to my attention, as a potential customer, and attached your website there in your signature. If you are doing this, I’d recommend that you try to be a little bit more polite in the future. I’ve been handed a bad impression of you and your services right from the initial meeting, now. You know the expression about how one happy customer tells one of their friends, but one unhappy customer tells 10 of their friends? It is very often true…

Thank you,

DJ Marty didn’t hesitate for a second before quickly naming names and pointing fingers. All fingers pointed directly at another local DJ, DJ Junior Rockstar, and all the names were just that one name. DJ Marty sent me DJ Junior Rockstar’s MySpace information as well as all of his business information (address, phone number, real name, etc.). This seemed a bit odd to me, as the easiest thing seems to me to be to just write a quick "Sorry note" and move on from there. This was when I knew that something must be amiss with the West Central Florida DJ scene. I was so intrigued that the whole controversy basically dominated all of my waking hours from that point on until this point right now (the point where I’m writing this, not necessarily when you’re reading this). What was going on? What happened to the DJ Code of Ethics? If things could fall apart and turn ugly between DJ’s in West Central Florida, what was stopping all DJ’s from just rioting and starting a mass revolution?

I decided that I should try to get into contact with DJ Junior Rockstar, AKA Gregory Sanchez, to get his reaction and see if he had any idea about what was going on here or any opinions about DJ Marty…

Hello Greg,
I'm not sure what sort of conflict that you have with DJ Marty (the one man party), but I received some email from him kind of being rude about some contact that he claimed to have gotten from me. When I responded to him, instead of apologizing for the mistake (I didn't contact him originally), he stated that he believed you sent him my contact information. He then emailed me your MySpace information, business information, name and such. Whatever sort of problems you have with one another as DJ's, I just don't want to have my contact information sent around as "pranks" or "tools" for your getting on each other's case.
Sorry, don't mean to be presumptuous in assuming that you did do this, but just that I was frustrated in that this was happening at all and was then sent your information as "who to blame", basically. If you have any insight into what's going on with this situation, I would love to find out! I also think it's pretty inappropriate of that DJ Marty to have sent out your contact information amidst all of this as well.
Thank you,

I did not get too much of a response back from Mr. Sanchez, though he did seem to insinuate that it really was all Sullivan’s doing. He wrote back saying simply, "I never sent anything about you to marty i never even heard of you. he has the problem with me i did nothing to him he a immature bully and needs to get a life[sic]". Wow. What can I say? There really was something going on between these two and there was clearly no love lost between them! It was at this point that I began to wonder just how deep it went. I began to get a little bit nervous, unsure as to just what I’d uncovered and how serious this was. My mind raced, thinking back to the beef between Tupac and Biggie. This was serious business!
I contacted a few of other DJ’s who work in the same area(s) in Florida as both DJ Marty the One Man Party and DJ Junior Rockstar to try to find out if I could get any more information about what was going on or if it was just a problem that was permeating the whole West Central Florida DJ scene. Unfortunately, it seems that everybody I attempted to contact was very "tight-lipped" about the whole situation, which left me with nothing but more questions. I don’t know whether other DJ’s were just a little more into looking out for each other than Sullivan and Sanchez were, or they just had no idea who either DJ Marty the One Man Party and DJ Junior Rockstar were. Either way, I think that their silence speaks volumes…

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Dream Team

This is just my team. We are the Corporate Marketing Guest Incentives Team of Wyndham Vacation Ownership. I'm posting this for no other reason, but that I said I would post this everywhere. We were really making the dream work here. From left to right, there is Salue, Kimberly B., Ilana, Kim P., Me in the back, and Jacqueline.

Seattle Says Goodbye to Shaun

Well, although it isn't really a surprise to see the news today, it is a sad thing to see that former MVP Shaun Alexander has been released by the Seattle Seahawks.

Alexander was drafted in 2000 and became Seattle's lead back in 2001 and has performed well over the years and been to the Pro Bowl three times. His performance started falling after his MVP performance in 2005, mainly because he has been plagued with injuries since then.

News of his release isn't much of a surprise because there has been plenty of talk of it since Seattle signed two other running backs, TJ Duckett and Julius Jones, a couple months ago. With them recently signed and also Maurice Morris on the roster, who had been splitting time pretty equally with Alexander by the end of last season, the position was looking pretty deep and talk had really increased of the possibility of Alexander getting released. While the news wasn't much of a surprise, it is def sad to see him go as he has really helped the Seahawks throughout the years and was def a large factor in our getting to the Superbowl a few years ago. He'll be missed here in Seattle, but he still plans to play, so hopefully his career continues successfully!

Pennsylvania: The Democratic Last Stand?

Pennsylvania held their Democratic Primary today. It is the first Primary to be held in 6 weeks and has really been long awaited. Well, the polls are closed and the Primary is over now. While results are not in yet, will the results make a difference? At this point, the results are too close to tell. If Barack Obama manages to pull of a win, it will be a surprise, though he's risen in the polls from having Hillary Clinton 20 points above him, but would it be the end? Surely if Clinton has not pulled off a win today, there will be many more Democrats calling for her to step down. But will she? Will it even make a difference, the results? If she does win, will it be enough for her to continue? I don't think it matters, as she will still be in it. The Clintons don't step down...

At this point, Hillary Clinton isn't really looking to pull ahead in the delegate count. She's going to basically ignore that, as it is practically unimaginable that she can overcome that deficit, even if she wins big today and wins all of the remaining primaries and the last caucus. What she will look for and hope for is to at the least pull ahead in the popular vote. If she has this, she will surely use it as an argument to Superdelegates to consider voting in her favor. Is this really enough to get favor towards her?

Hillary Clinton has grasped to everything and anything to use to bolster herself up. When she was losing primary after primary to Obama, she discounted these losses by saying that they were "red states", they would never vote for Obama in the Fall, they had caucuses and these weren't "fair", and basically in essence, that these states that Obama won did not matter. She basically cut up the map into states that she won, which would matter in November, and the states that Obama won that were basically unimportant. As he won more primaries and caucuses than Clinton, her camp continued to discount the wins and put her up as still the one to choose. When it became seemingly impossible for her to overtake Obama in the delegate count, she basically quit looking at that as an indicator. She won't take that into consideration now, while trying to persuade the Superdelegates to back her, despite the fact that this is a race to get the most delegates. That's what it is and it's no surprise, yet she'll avoid that fact and take another angle.

Now, as I've started writing this, I saw that Clinton is claimed to have won Pennsylvania and, "The former first lady was winning 53 percent of the vote to 47 percent for her rival with 14 percent of the vote counted, and she hoped for significant inroads into Obama's overall lead in the competition for delegates to the Democratic National Convention", according to the Associated Press. Well, this will surely mean that Clinton is not going to step down, though I didn't have any illusions that she would, either way. With this win in her pocket, she'll still be in a very very tough position. She'll need to win Indiana and she really can't afford to lose any of the races, though North Carolina is already looking strongly favorable for Obama. It's tough to say how this race will play out from here, but it still looks like, at this point, it's Barack Obama's race to lose and Hillary basically has to just wait and hope that he makes a big blunder or that something comes to light that really hurts his image...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

McCain's Plan for a "Gas-Tax Holiday"

Senator John McCain of Arizona, in what he hopes would stimulate the seemingly downturning economy, has urged Congress to suspend the Federal Gas Taxes from Memorial Day to Labor Day (the basic "Summer season" when gas prices typically rise) in what's being referred to as a "Gas-Tax Holiday".

By reducing gas prices, McCain hopes for the same trickle-down effect that's hoped for by issuing the rebate checks that will start coming out next month. It doesn't really look good for this plan to work with the rebate checks, as many people are planning to pay down debt and/or save their $600, rather than going out and spending it and boosting their local economies. With the plan to suspend gas taxes, will this lead to people's spending money elsewhere? I don't think so. I think it's going to unfortunately lead to people not worrying as much about trying to cut back on gas usage, which should be a strong focus, economy or no economy. It leads to less of a focus on efficient cars and allows people to keep on driving as much as they want.

Now don't get me wrong. I def would like to see actions taken to help stimulate the economy, but I don't think this is the way at all. I don't have the perfect solution myself, but allowing people to afford more gas and drive more seems to be counterintuitive, as all trends are leading towards the hopes of driving less and finding cleaner, cheaper, and more efficient methods of travel. Maybe much greater tax breaks on more efficient cars, be they used or new, would be one better move. Perhaps not just for hybrid vehicles or electric cars, but cars with a specifically high efficiency, such as getting over 25mpg, for example.

Whatever we need to do to help the economy, I think we must still focus on also helping the environment that we're living in at the same time. I know there are answers to do both and we need to work to discover these, rather than peddling easy answers that might sound good on paper to someone who is struggling to make ends meet. We need to help those that are struggling, while helping all of us to keep our heads above water and do it while not helping to add to the ridiculously high levels of pollution we're already putting out...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Is This Art?!?!

Costa Rican artist, Guillermo Vargas aka Habacuc, took his "art" to inconceivably cruel levels last year in the form of animal suffering. Vargas paid a few local boys in Nicaragua to help him to capture a dog and he then tied this dog in an art gallery where it was on display for days without food or water, until it died. This was his concept of "art", entitled "You are what you read", which was "written" on the wall in dog food. This cruelty to the poor animal didn't earn him any punishment for his misdeeds, however. Quite the contrary. Instead of being punished for these actions, he has been selected to represent Costa Rica in the "Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008", a visual art gathering of selected artists.

Is this so-called "art" really what should be held up as representative of a country and on a lesser scale, "rewarded" at all? This horrible and inhumane treatement of animals shouldn't be condoned! The reasoning behind it was to supposedly show the suffering and make people realize that while they were looking at it and perhaps feeling pity in an art gallery, that they would not stop and help the same dog had it been in the alley behind their house or in their own neighborhood. While the message might be true, to actually allow it to happen and overtly take actions to ensure the suffering of this poor creature are just terrible. It's not art. It's just ridiculous cruelty and hard to imagine that someone could be so cruel as to do something like this, all in the name of art. If he were really trying to help prevent cruelty to animals and make people think, there are many organizations dedicated to such purposes that he could have supported, worked with, or created artwork for/about. I may not be the quintessential visual art critic, but I don't consider this art at all.
[Although there has been much said and written about this, I haven't found absolutely conclusive evidence that this did happen, though I do believe that it did.]

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Printed Word

Well, I don't remember how I had gotten contacted by Michele Melendez, a national correspondent with Newhouse News Service, but she got in contact with me just before Christmas in 2006. She was writing an article about "hangover cures" and asked me if I'd be interested in being interviewed. Sure, it's not the first topic I'd like to be interviewed about, but I figured why not? It's not like people were beating down my door and asking me my opinions on the occupation of Iraq or what I thought of the state of affairs of the post-Cold War Eastern European situation... I figured I better toss my two cents wherever I could get them to stick and I had two cents' worth of words on this.

Here's the article below-->
(Here's a link to it in the Seattle Times)

No scientific proof for hangover cures
c.2006 Newhouse News Service

Bad news for New Year’s Eve revelers who toast with a few too many: There’s no conclusive scientific proof that anything cures a hangover.

But there are home-tested remedies that partiers swear by — a greasy breakfast, raw eggs, tripe soup, a gallon of sports drink, a brisk run. Some even make sense, as fluids and exercise help rehydrate and push blood more quickly through the body.

While “hangover” refers literally to something that remains from an earlier time, its medical term, “veisalgia,” says it all. The word mashes the Norwegian “kveis,” meaning “uneasiness following debauchery” and the Greek “algia,” for “pain.”

Then things become less certain.

“There are so many different biochemical changes that occur after drinking alcohol that no one’s entirely positive which one is the key one that causes people to feel (a) hangover,” said Dr. Stefan Kertesz, assistant professor of preventive and general internal medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Besides its dehydrating power, alcohol can irritate the stomach and intestines to cause nausea and vomiting. It can also lower blood sugar, depriving the brain of energy and leading to fatigue.

The punishment usually kicks in several hours after drinking stops, when blood-alcohol concentration falls, and may include headache, lethargy, dizziness and sensitivity to light and sound. Research suggests that hangover symptoms and severity may depend on a person’s weight, the duration of the binge and the amount and type of alcohol consumed, among other factors.

What to do when you overindulge?

“There’s not really any scientifically documented remedy, but there are some folk remedies that may work, exercise being one in particular,” said Barbara Mark, a clinical nutrition instructor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

The idea: Get moving to boost blood flow.

“When you have less fluid in the body, your blood kind of gets sluggish … it’s a little bit thicker,” Mark said. “So, you’re not getting oxygen and nutrients to your body.”
Exercise is a tough sell when you’re in a hangover hole. It might be easier to drink water before, during and after imbibing alcohol, to replenish liquids. Yet in the midst of celebrating, that isn’t always a priority.

“Once the party gets started, it’s not normally within my mental capacity to think about the consequences of the next day,” said Travis of Sacramento, Calif. If he remembers before going to bed, he said, he’ll take aspirin and drink a ton of water.

Most remedies are left for after the festivities.

“I think that sleep is probably the best one,” said Lennon Duggan, 22, a bartender at the Washington, D.C., landmark bar and restaurant Madam’s Organ. “I think a lot of Gatorade, seltzer or Orangina, something like that. The greasy food helps. Bloody Mary or a mimosa, depending, but sometimes you’re not really ready to get back in there.”

Nor should you be, physicians advise. “Resist any temptation to treat your hangover with more alcohol,” says no less a source than the Mayo Clinic’s Web site. “It’ll only make you feel worse.”

Lane Allison, 36, of Overland Park, Kan., developed his antidote in college: raw eggs, Fruit Punch Gatorade and ice, blended: “You get the protein from the egg. You get rehydrated with the Gatorade. The ice makes it slushy.”

If raw egg inspires the woozies, how about a steamy, spicy bowl of a cow’s stomach lining? Menudo, a Mexican tripe soup, is legendary for its purported ability to kill hangovers.

Just as you reach for chicken soup when you’re otherwise feeling sick, said Jesse Chavez, 30, of Northridge, Calif., “It’s menudo when you have a hangover.”

Vietnamese cuisine also offers a hangover-battling soup: pho, a broth-noodle combination.
“The bowls are fairly large, so the broth alone gives you a lot … to help rehydrate you, along with salt to perhaps help you retain some of that water,” said Sione Kinahoi Phillips, 30, of Edmonds, Wash. “I don’t know if the rice noodles can act like breads and such starchy foods that people recommend to eat.”

Phillips adds hot sauce to make him feel like he’s “sweating out the hangover.”

When Sara Sanders, 44, of Aiken, S.C., feels a little green after drinking, she seeks help from the Green Giant. That brand of frozen Brussels sprouts alleviates her headaches and nausea, though she says fresh sprouts work just as well.

A friend told her about the treatment after a Christmas party years ago. “The next day, everybody was feeling rough,” Sanders said.

Still others believe in the power of vitamin pills to restore balance, including C and B. And a variety of supplements are marketed to prevent or ease hangover symptoms using assorted ingredients. The Apothecary’s Garden Hangover Drops, for example, include ginseng, a Chinese herb.

“It’s a fun pick-me-up, when you feel like you’re dragging,” said Laura Bertoldi, a sales representative with Belgravia Imports of Portsmouth, R.I., the U.S. importer of the English sweets. But, she adds, “They are certainly not a cure.”

So, with no sure-fire remedies, Santa Fe, N.M., nutritionist Kaayla T. Daniel offers this: “Contemplate a New Year’s resolution not to drink to excess.”
Dec. 29, 2006

Pinching the Proverbial Penny: Dollar Stores, Discounteurs, and More!

What with talks of a recession, inflation, housing trouble, and shrinking jobs and growing gasoline bills all ringing in the ears of Americans, who isn't in for saving another buck or two? Every place you can cut back on the spending will either allow a little more for other places, a little more for the savings, or maybe a little less in the red. Well, there's a lot of simple things and shopping tips that'll save those few cents and might just all add up to common sense...

Dollar Stores? I've been a frequent (perhaps frighteningly so) shopper of Dollar Stores all my life. I am just obsessed. The idea that each thing you come upon in the store is only going to cost you one dollar excites me to the core! But that's just me... In terms of approaching one, there are a number of great deals you can find here. Perhaps they do have a lot of junk, such as their tools (which can actually be pretty useful, just not for industrial or automotive purposes, but most simple household tasks can be done), kitchen knives (almost the same parenthetical comment as for the tools!), and children's toys (I just can't help questioning myself, but cheap toys are great to let children destroy on a weekend trip or such), but there are some great values to be found for a dollar as well!

Some of the good values I've found:

Dish Soap
Bar Soap
Scrub Brushes
Vacuum Bags
Picture Frames
Food (Really? Yes, but you be the judge and not all food is equal...)
Many randomly useful items like bike bells, automotive funnels, auto sun shades, etc.

Now, for $1, just about any of those is typically a steal of a bargain and well worth the asking price! There are some foods I'll be skeptical about, but you can use your own judgment in what you'd be comfortable with. I don't mind buying cheap tools that work well enough for small simple tasks, so long as I remember that I have a Craftsman toolset for "real jobs".

Big Lots and other such stores...

"Closeout Retailers" such as Big Lots! or Tuesday Morning offer great bargains on all sorts of brand name items! I mean you can find some ridiculously cheap prices! You just might not be 100% certain as to what you'll find in the stores and it can be like a treasure hunt going into these. These stores can get closeout and overstocked items from other locations for cheap and sell them for cheaper than you'll find in traditional retail stores. You just might walk in the next time and find the supplies are gone. Now here at Big Lots!, I've bought some food. They've got cans of sardines that are $.65/can! Tomato paste for $.25/can! Most all of their boxes of cold cereal were under $2 (Shrek Cereal was $1/box [I bought 3!]!)! Crazy prices for food when bills are seeming like they are going to overwhelm you! There's also great prices on all sorts of random toys, children's items, bath and beauty, furniture, towels, and more! If you are looking to trim the fat from your shopping bills, a few stops here a month could really do the trick.
Coupons? Yes! I know it sounds corny and feels just the same, but clipping coupons, printing them out online (, Ultimate Coupons, etc.) can really save you big money! It doesn't take a whole lot to really start adding up! By just checking the sale ads for your local groceries and maybe a few websites, you can really get all you want to eat for cheap!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

US Rare Coin & Bullion Reserve

Now, I'm not one to diss on infomercials, typically... I'm a sucker for a lot of them and will sit and watch a whole lot of them. One, in particular, has become my fave for sure, being the Magic Bullet one. Classic. Characters? Check. The diner waitress with the cig hanging suspended from her pursed lips, the middle-aged party animal, this thing is well scripted!

Now, this morning I was watching television and saw what I think had to be the most ridiculous infomercial I've seen. Ever. I know they are typically written to "idiots", basically with lines easy enough and questions simple enough that anyone can see them through to the end, but this one really takes the cake in insulting the intelligence of the viewers. It was from the US Rare Coin & Bullion Reserve. Don't worry if you missed the infomercial because they have a website so you don't have to miss out on your opportunity to get some gold, like all of the major investors are moving their money into gold. Just check out or call 1-800-314-3612 today!

Really, though, why do I think they are not quite the investment managers I want telling me where I should direct my investment capital? It's mostly their arguments in favor of gold over cash. Here are some of their "reasons" for investing in gold:

  • The War in Iraq

  • Nuclear Weapons

  • Gas could go to $10 a gallon

  • Experts predict $2000/oz price of gold in the future

Why is the war on Iraq reason to invest in gold? Here's what they have to say-->

"Now its fifth year, the war in Iraq has cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $400 billion dollars, or more than $200 million a day. With the U.S. economy already burdened with a national debt of more than $9 trillion, many people are deciding that the safest place for their money is in Gold. "

Who are these people that are deciding that the safest place is gold?

How about "Nuclear Weapons" being a reason? Well, on the infomercial, the host claims that if a nuclear weapon is detonated anywhere on the planet that gold prices will skyrocket. And don't forget that North Korea already has nuclear weapons! Why will gold skyrocket as a result of a nuclear weapon? I guess more people will decide that while money can burn, gold will be the safest place to invest, what with nuclear weapons being detonated somewhere.

Gas could go up to $10/gallon? Wow. I heard this one repeated a couple of times on the segment, but couldn't make the connection between this and buying gold. I guess if gas gets so expensive, it'll just be easier to pay in gold. I guess this also really puts that $4/gallon gas prediction in its place...

Experts predict $2000/ounce gold prices in the future? The site says, "While no one can predict with absolute accuracy whether a Gold Coin’s future value will go up or down, troubling economic and world conditions have many experts pointing to Gold’s tremendous upside potential and the possibility of it reaching as high as $2,000/oz. in the future." Who are these "experts"? Unknown. Is this in the far-off-distant-spaceship-flying future? Maybe. It's a little bit hazy...

The host has two "guards" bring out a platform with $50,000 in cash and $50,000 in gold coins. He holds up the $50k in cash, which is in 3 small bundles, in his hands and talks about how you can put this in the bank and earn 3% and in a year, you'll have an additional $1500. He then starts feeling through the gold and explains that if you invest $50,000 in gold and it goes up to $2000/ounce, you'll have $160,000! He then has another guard bring out $160,000, which is in a large case and looks like millions of dollars in comparison to the $50,000.

The biggest thing is that he constantly says that you need to buy gold in case gold prices take off. Is that really a safe investment? To invest just in case you might make a profit? I try to follow investment trends and strategy, rather than investing just in case it might help.

The worst thing of all is that there is a constant ringing of phones in the background throughout the whole "show". I guess it's to show that tons of people are calling in to order, but doesn't really make sense when he's walking all over the place with this ringing phone sound. Especially when he's showing you their high security safe where they're shipping all of your orders from. Who is taking orders in there?!?!

Long story short, well, maybe not so short, you should probably def buy some gold just in case it shoots up in value. The market is set and experts are saying that it's going to increase in value in the future!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On Hillary Clinton's Dangerous Mission to Bosnia...

I was just bothered by Hillary Clinton's response to her misrepresentation of her trip to Bosnia in 1996. In an article on the AP, she is quoted as saying, "I went to 80 countries, you know. I gave contemporaneous accounts, I wrote about a lot of this in my book. You know, I think that, a minor blip, you know, if I said something that, you know, I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement,"... If this seems acceptable as an answer to people, isn't that just a free pass for her to say whatever she wants about her achievements, her experience, her qualifications? If she is allowed to just dismiss it as a "minor blip" or a "misstatement" instead of the misrepresentation of the facts that it was, attempting to build on her experience argument, it kind of allows her to continue on in this vein...
She described the incident as follows... "Everyone else was told to sit on their bulletproof vests," Clinton said. "And we came in, in an evasive maneuver. ... There was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars. Now, that is what happened." She actually ended with those words of "...Now, that is what happened.", which seems very direct and pointed for a description that doesn't even loosely base itself on what video of the event shows happened. Credibility being such an issue and words having played such a role as in when Obama was asked to not only denounce but reject Farrakhan's comments and support of Obama in an earlier debate, this seems like a pretty flippant overlooking of her own very misleading description of the trip to Bosnia...

Sunday, March 09, 2008

End of the Writer's Strike

What with the end of the writer's strike, it's still felt like ages since new episodes of many great shows have come out. It's been tough, but the day is finally starting to approach for many new episodes to come out! The Simpsons' new episodes will always hold me through, but there's been a large gap in my weekly schedule, once filled by hours of mindless entertainment.

It looks like the Office will be returning on the week of April 3rd! I'm really excited for that! It's probably the biggest one I've been waiting for...

...Except for the Flight of the Conchords! It looks like this will remain on hiatus for some time to come still. One problem that I was afraid of that seems to be playing a role, is how much of their already existing material (songs) they've used up. I guess they've used up most all of their old music so they'll have to be writing new material for the new episodes, which will take greater time. I've heard various different timelines about when they'll be coming out with new season two episodes, but it doesn't look too soon yet...

How I Met Your Mother is going to be coming out with new episodes on March 17th! That's just a week away, if I'm not mistaken! This is one show I never really expected to like when I first started watching it, but the pieces really fell together well and it clicked. I'm excited to see new episodes of this one!

In the meantime, there has been new "episodes" of American Idol for this season going on and they're already eliminating "stars". Also, America's Next Top Model is in their latest "cycle" (what Tyra calls each season) and new episodes of this are currently airing. Probably most reality shows have been continuing on with new episodes, for those that have cared.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shop Smart! Shop S-Mart?

I honestly don't go shopping much, personally, aside from grocery shopping, but when I want to do some online "virtual window shopping", these sites are definitely at the top of the list for me! and Ben's Bargains are both great sites that always seem to have the real scoop on what's the poop! They both will display deals that can be found all over the internet, showing products that are selling as special offers, limited-time sales, and special bargains. Many times, the deals that are found on these sites are really limited in quantity or time remaining, but you can usually score a real bargain by going through the site. Most of the shipping offers will be displayed as well. Also, one of the biggest "easter eggs" is that sometimes, on the rare occasion, there will be deals that will have just been typo's by a vendor and if you can get in early enough, you can get bargains that were never meant to be! You can't necessarily anticipate what may be on the site and what you may find a bargain on, but by keeping a watchful eye, you may see something that you've really "needed", at an all new lower price! Many of the offers will included mail-in rebates (MIR's) that are included in the low price, but these will be displayed right there so it's no secret. You can also go through the sites to find coupons and ask people who have taken the offers up whether they seemed worth it or not. You might not know what you are going to save money on, but you can't help but save it here at either of these sites!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ride the Bus, Save a Buck!

I'm always down to save a buck. Who isn't, right? Well, I usually ride my bike or trike to work and back these days, but 17.5 miles each way gets a little tiresome, especially the hilly parts which unfortunately land the worst at the very end stretch of the ride. My legs can really feel like they're on fire by the time I'm hitting the last few miles on the way home. I thought that I couldn't catch the bus to work and get to work at that time in the morning, but I was wrong. Then, when I found out I could, the first time I started trying to ride it, I felt like it was the biggest hassle in the world! I had to make 3 transfers which means I had to ride 4 separate buses to work. I felt like at any moment, something could happen, I'd miss my transfer and be late to work. I was just being paranoid. Now, a few more times into the trip, I'm comfortable with making my trip and have even adjusted so that I get to work a bit early like I'm accustomed to.

On the financial side of it, I pay $1.25 to work and $1.50 home (I think I may be supposed to pay more on the way home, but my transfer works just fine all the way). That sums up to $2.75 for a round trip from Edmonds-Redmond. It's 35 miles as I ride bike and I don't know how many via bus, but I know for sure that I use over a gallon of gasoline a day commuting, no matter which car I drove. Well over. $2.75 pays for less than one gallon of gas. Financially, it would make excellent sense, regardless of whether I biked or not. It would make sense on any given day to ride the bus over driving.

In just the practical sense, it seems to make great sense to me still. My personal stress level is greatly reduced (over driving), not having to sit in traffic. I'm not stressed by traffic when I'm biking (except for on busy streets towards the end of my ride home in the afternoon), but sometimes my legs really just want to stop for the day and I'm still a few miles out. An even better reason that I found out yesterday, is that on the Community Transit Route #411 bus, they have free Wi-Fi on the bus! ON THE BUS! How sweet is that? I wasn't able to get my Nintendo DS to link up to it properly, but I did find the free unlocked network and that means I can bring my laptop or my Compaq Ipaq on board and surf the web while on the road. Instead of worrying about who's cutting me off and why traffic is stopped, I can ride in comfort and check my email while I get "whisked" at a bus pace towards home. What a great bonus to an already cheap ride!

Ride the bus, ride your bike, ride your legs out, but the bottom line is that getting out of your car has all sorts of advantages!

Barack Obama Update!

How about Obama in South Carolina? He was almost 30 points over Clinton this weekend in SC and it was a great boost for the Obama camp! Now, there's still a lot of work to be done and a lot to be happening on February 5th with so many primaries that day. There's still a lot of work to be done by everybody, be it calling Obama supporters to potential supporters to just participating in your local primaries and caucuses.

Here in Washington, it is going to be the caucus that matters most for the Democratic nomination and not the primary. The caucuses for WA are going to be on Saturday, February 9th and the locations will depend on where you are registered to vote. It won't necessarily be the same location that you might vote at, so you can check out where yours is by going here, entering in your last name and zip code, then finding your name and your location will be shown. Going to the caucus will be taking a couple hours out of your Saturday, but it's a couple of hours every 4 years? It'll be worth it if you have the opportunity to see the change you want in this country occur!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm just writing a short blurb about This site allows you to make small loans to companies and individuals in the developing world that are trying to better themselves and their lives and might have no chances of getting loans through "traditional" banks. There are partner groups that work with Kiva, such that you as an individual can donate money via a credit card/PayPal to an individual or company that is seeking a loan. Depending on where that individual is, the partner that works in that area of the world will get the money from Kiva and it will be given to the individual. Then, over a time that is stated to be around 6-12 months, the individual will pay back the money to the "partner" that received the money directly from Kiva and the partner will return the money to you as the loaner through Kiva. You can also receive business updates from the company that you are loaning the money to, to allow you to see their progress! The minimum loan amount is $25, so there's not a huge amount asked to just get in and try to help. This small minimum amount means that practically everybody should be able to help out, if in just a small way! Click here to read a lot of different things that have been said in the media about Kiva.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Barack Obama in the News

To the right, now, you'll find a box that contains links to new stories about Barack Obama in the news. I am definitely an Obama supporter myself and think he is really is that the country should be looking toward for the '08 elections to move in a better direction. You can click here to find out a little more about him and find out more about his views. I won't sit and go into all the details, what with so much information out there about him, his views, and his leanings.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Death of Television

Is anybody else really feeling the effects of the writers being on strike like I am? By effects I mean being network television being inundated with more and more ridiculous reality television replacements for other shows? Even American Gladiators has been brought back! What gives? When will all of this end? I've been forced to get off the couch and live, doing things like making lists that might improve myself, rather than be entertained by television. It's tough...

On another TV note, what's with the bringing back of old TV shows? The Bionic Woman, now Knight Rider, the Terminator television series, and many others as well as others made into movies and vice versa. Have all the good ideas already been written and no one can come up with comparable new storylines? It's seeming a little tired to constantly keep going back and digging up old shows to remake. What's next? Sanford and Son, the 21st Century? Airwolf? Is a car that can digitally talk to you or drive really that interesting of a concept anymore? Aren't there enough interesting things going on in the world that new premises for shows could be made out of those? Considering this makes me almost miss the writers a little less, but I'm ever thankful for shows like The Office, The Simpsons, and Flight of the Conchords...

101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

This is an idea that's been floating around and my sister brought the whole list-making idea to my attention at the beginning of the year. It seems like a better way to go about making changes than your standard making of New Year's Resolutions. The idea is this: Make a list of 101 things you'd like to do/accomplish/work on that you will complete in 1001 days. It's a little less than 3 years and by having a large list of things to do, you can slowly cross things off the list when you've completed them.

I decided that I would start a list and start working on the list items, but that I might split the difference and maybe do 50 things in 500 days. A shorter timeline and half the things to do, but still a lot of tasks that I'd like to accomplish. I'm still in the process of working on my list and have added things from the mundane (#7 is to paint my bedroom) to the environmentally minded (#13 is to plant at least 5 trees) to just things I need to do (#26 is to save up 3 months' pay in my ING savings account). I've got tasks like reading a number of books, travelling to certain locations, and all of the things are very possible to accomplish, but without listing them out, a lot of the things are just things I want to or need to do, but haven't made the time to actually go and do. Once I have the set list, I'll list it out, start, and start crossing things off of it.