Sunday, January 20, 2008

101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

This is an idea that's been floating around and my sister brought the whole list-making idea to my attention at the beginning of the year. It seems like a better way to go about making changes than your standard making of New Year's Resolutions. The idea is this: Make a list of 101 things you'd like to do/accomplish/work on that you will complete in 1001 days. It's a little less than 3 years and by having a large list of things to do, you can slowly cross things off the list when you've completed them.

I decided that I would start a list and start working on the list items, but that I might split the difference and maybe do 50 things in 500 days. A shorter timeline and half the things to do, but still a lot of tasks that I'd like to accomplish. I'm still in the process of working on my list and have added things from the mundane (#7 is to paint my bedroom) to the environmentally minded (#13 is to plant at least 5 trees) to just things I need to do (#26 is to save up 3 months' pay in my ING savings account). I've got tasks like reading a number of books, travelling to certain locations, and all of the things are very possible to accomplish, but without listing them out, a lot of the things are just things I want to or need to do, but haven't made the time to actually go and do. Once I have the set list, I'll list it out, start, and start crossing things off of it.

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