Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On Hillary Clinton's Dangerous Mission to Bosnia...

I was just bothered by Hillary Clinton's response to her misrepresentation of her trip to Bosnia in 1996. In an article on the AP, she is quoted as saying, "I went to 80 countries, you know. I gave contemporaneous accounts, I wrote about a lot of this in my book. You know, I think that, a minor blip, you know, if I said something that, you know, I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement,"... If this seems acceptable as an answer to people, isn't that just a free pass for her to say whatever she wants about her achievements, her experience, her qualifications? If she is allowed to just dismiss it as a "minor blip" or a "misstatement" instead of the misrepresentation of the facts that it was, attempting to build on her experience argument, it kind of allows her to continue on in this vein...
She described the incident as follows... "Everyone else was told to sit on their bulletproof vests," Clinton said. "And we came in, in an evasive maneuver. ... There was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars. Now, that is what happened." She actually ended with those words of "...Now, that is what happened.", which seems very direct and pointed for a description that doesn't even loosely base itself on what video of the event shows happened. Credibility being such an issue and words having played such a role as in when Obama was asked to not only denounce but reject Farrakhan's comments and support of Obama in an earlier debate, this seems like a pretty flippant overlooking of her own very misleading description of the trip to Bosnia...

Sunday, March 09, 2008

End of the Writer's Strike

What with the end of the writer's strike, it's still felt like ages since new episodes of many great shows have come out. It's been tough, but the day is finally starting to approach for many new episodes to come out! The Simpsons' new episodes will always hold me through, but there's been a large gap in my weekly schedule, once filled by hours of mindless entertainment.

It looks like the Office will be returning on the week of April 3rd! I'm really excited for that! It's probably the biggest one I've been waiting for...

...Except for the Flight of the Conchords! It looks like this will remain on hiatus for some time to come still. One problem that I was afraid of that seems to be playing a role, is how much of their already existing material (songs) they've used up. I guess they've used up most all of their old music so they'll have to be writing new material for the new episodes, which will take greater time. I've heard various different timelines about when they'll be coming out with new season two episodes, but it doesn't look too soon yet...

How I Met Your Mother is going to be coming out with new episodes on March 17th! That's just a week away, if I'm not mistaken! This is one show I never really expected to like when I first started watching it, but the pieces really fell together well and it clicked. I'm excited to see new episodes of this one!

In the meantime, there has been new "episodes" of American Idol for this season going on and they're already eliminating "stars". Also, America's Next Top Model is in their latest "cycle" (what Tyra calls each season) and new episodes of this are currently airing. Probably most reality shows have been continuing on with new episodes, for those that have cared.