Wednesday, November 21, 2007


So, I know from talking to a lot of people that I wasn't the only one who felt that Heroes really had taken a wrong turn this season. It's only season 2, guys, come on! Well, it seems like there has been far too many episodes lately that instead of focusing on 4-5 storylines that connect, have focused on what seems like 8-10 different stories, some which relate to one another, some that seem just thrown in to add new characters to the dwindling lineup to replace the murdered cast members. I was really getting down about how the episodes were turning out. I felt like their writers went on strike long before any talks of writers striking even began. My friend April, who was really into the show, even decided to stop watching and I had to make a plea and justify why watching Heroes was still going to be worth it, or at the least, tolerable.

Well, I feel like they really turned a corner this week, on what was supposed to be the first of the final 3 episodes this year. Things really seemed to fall back into place. The stories became more interesting. The stories didn't change back and forth so spastically that I felt like each episode was the first time I'd seen Heroes. They just brought the feeling back. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of it and excited to see what was in store after the commercial break! It was really fantastic to get that feeling back! I hope that the final two episodes are going to hold up to this higher standard than a lot of the beginning of this second season! They need it to keep people watching for the third! I'll still watch, but just because I'm hooked deep.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just hope that this really accomplishes what I wanted. To illustrate the true meaning of Thanksgiving!

Resident Evil: Extinction

Ok, another late review and for another action/horror movie I didn't care for...

I don't think this was anywhere near as bad as Saw 4. Let me just get that out of the way right now. Now, this had a lot of potential and thus far, I'd loved the prior movies. I was really excited about this one to come out! It had all the buzz it needed and deserved, but I feel like it kind of fell flat after that.

The plot isn't something that's going to be too in-depth. It's a Resident Evil movie. Its storyline loosely follows the Resident Evil video games that first appeared on Sony's Playstation game system. I had 3 issues that I really felt just didn't work in the movie.

1. The scene with the crows: If you've got like a million crows flying just overhead and threatening to tear you to ribbons, are you really going to take the time to sit and fire a handgun into the massive cloud of crows swarming around? It's like seeing a tidal wave coming towards you and taking a teacup and starting to scoop the water up. You run! You don't stop and shoot 2 birds while their 5,304,394 brothers and sisters get ready to attack.

2. The scene where zombies start piling out of the 30-foot container. Ok, granted they are zombies and you can probably smash 'em in pretty tight and not care too much about their complaining, but come on... What was it?!?! Was it the storage container version of a circus clown car??? SO many kept coming out of the container there was no way more could be inside. Yet they kept coming. If there were some sort of dimensional portal in the container, I could suspend my beliefs and accept it. IF they mentioned it. Now when they just keep coming, it's a little tougher without explanation.

3. The "big finale" of a fight was really the most anticlimactic part of all. It just wasn't much of a challenge. I thought it was a pretty cool fight scene, granted, but it felt nothing like the end of the movie. I was really in a state of disbelief when the credits started rolling! I knew that couldn't have been the end of the movie. It didn't even feel close to finished. The ending was so lackluster I couldn't believe it! I really felt like that final fight scene was just working into another situation where they'd really have their go at it. No such luck.

Kind of a disappointment, but there was some cool action in it, for what action there was. Not really up to par with the prior RE movies.

Saw IV

This is a late blog about this film. For one thing, I just was unable to write a new blog for quite some time. For a second thing, it was just a terrible movie. I can't believe it's made it this far! I was just shocked that the movie seemed to be so lame. I did go with a bunch of people who had seen all of the other 3 and were quite big fans. They all talked about how this one really tied things together a lot and how it answered a lot of things from the prior movies. It answered my questions about the worst movie of the year.

Don't get me wrong... I know it's a slasher/horror flick, but it just didn't seem up to par for what it was. There was maybe one scene that made me almost jump. The suspense really wasn't there and it seemed to just try to gross you out and shock you. It succeeded with a couple people I was there with. It succeeded in making me a little bit angrier inside...