Sunday, January 20, 2008

Arrowhead Water

One thing that has just irritated me lately has been an Arrowhead Bottled Water commercial that has been playing on television. It's basically being touted as their greener "eco-bottle" and the ad tries to make the bottles basically almost sound good for the environment! Bottles from bottled water have been such a quickly increasing source of additional garbage and unfortunately, only about 12% of water bottles are recycled. Most people grab bottles of water and take them along while away from home, then there aren't as many recycling bins to put the bottles into after. The waste being created is just something that seems absurd, especially considering that many or most places have excellent drinking water on tap for pennies, many bottled waters are nothing more than bottled tap water, and people are paying such a high price for this increased plastic usage. Not recycling these, we're just needing more petroleum to make new bottles, a resource we're already worried about the finite supplies of.


framebyframe said...

Right on for saying this. There is no such thing as "green" bottled water! Fill reusable bottles and stop buying bottled water.

Anonymous said...

Just make sure your Nalgene or other reusable water bottle is free of Bisphenol A, a known carcinogen that is especially harmful to young children.