Sunday, January 27, 2008

Barack Obama Update!

How about Obama in South Carolina? He was almost 30 points over Clinton this weekend in SC and it was a great boost for the Obama camp! Now, there's still a lot of work to be done and a lot to be happening on February 5th with so many primaries that day. There's still a lot of work to be done by everybody, be it calling Obama supporters to potential supporters to just participating in your local primaries and caucuses.

Here in Washington, it is going to be the caucus that matters most for the Democratic nomination and not the primary. The caucuses for WA are going to be on Saturday, February 9th and the locations will depend on where you are registered to vote. It won't necessarily be the same location that you might vote at, so you can check out where yours is by going here, entering in your last name and zip code, then finding your name and your location will be shown. Going to the caucus will be taking a couple hours out of your Saturday, but it's a couple of hours every 4 years? It'll be worth it if you have the opportunity to see the change you want in this country occur!

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