Tuesday, October 14, 2008


At this point, it appears that Barack Obama has run away in the polls, leaving McCain sputtering and throwing every negative attack and the kitchen sink at him in an attempt to slow his rise. The McCain campaign has moved so far away from the economic issues, at a time when the stock market has had such plunges last week that there was an obscene amount of money lost, especially important to those who are older and closer to retirement that might have had retirement accounts such as 401(k)'s that relied on investments. When the markets are taking a dive, the banking industry has been falling apart, mortgage crises have threatened the American Dream, what has the McCain campaign been focusing on?

"Who is Barack Obama?"

That's become the main focus. From Obama's association to William Ayers, a 1960's anti-war activist, to rehashing stories of Obama's connection to his one-time pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the McCain campaign would like to dig up any bit of dirt that might be lying in Barack Obama's backyard, while ignoring the mountain in McCain's. The association of McCain to the Keating 5 (which I think is fairly unimportant or at least currently irrelevant, much like William Ayers' past when Obama was a young boy) or the association of Sarah Palin to her own husband, who was a member of a political party set on seceding from the United States, seems to play no role in the "importance of associations".

It is one day before the last Presidential Debate and probably what will be the last chance that Senator McCain has to change the tide. He really will need to step up and make a difference because anything less will not be sufficient. Senator Obama, on the other hand, probably needs only not mess up and remain looking "Presidential" to maintain his lead and keep the flow going. McCain will no doubt be throwing every possible attack and argument up at Obama tomorrow night since this will be close to the final showdown. As we are 3 weeks away from the big election night, there will be little else as influential as the debate tomorrow to change the minds of undecided voters. Hopefully, the debate will not just be filled with angry rhetoric and negative attacks, but some possible solutions to the many many crises that the United States is facing and approaching in the near future. All the negative attacks in the world aren't going to solve any of these...


TOKA TOCA said...
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TOKA TOCA said...

I've missed the most recent debates between the two...how'd you think Obama did in those ones?

beingajoe said...

Great post. I am looking forward to the debate tonight and to see what SNL does with it over the weekend. Sarah Palin and the economy have really done McCain in. By the way, here is a website I found that shares all the Sarah Palin Alaska dirt to support Barack Obama!

Sione said...

Honestly, I thought neither of the prior were really game changers, to be honest. I thought McCain was supposed to really shine in the "Townhall" style meet, but that didn't happen. I think Obama's more charismatic looks have helped him, just on that front alone. He's been picked as the winner by the majority of folks in the polls of all the debates, which really plays poorly for McCain who needed a momentum-changing event more than anything last night. I don't think either of them really had one, but it plays right into Obama's favor. He just stayed cool-headed and that was enough, with no faltering. Joe the Plumber shot up in the ratings, though!