Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Week Away!

So, one week from today, November 4th, the people will finish heading out to the polls and will elect our next President of the United States. It has been a game-changing election in a number of ways. Barack Obama has raised more money than any Presidential candidate ever. He is also the first ever African-American to become one of the top two candidates on the ticket. Sarah Palin is only the second woman to ever get the nomination for VP. If John McCain wins, he will be the oldest person to be elected President of th US. There are so many exciting variables, aside from these that are making this one of the most important and memorable elections in our nation's history. It has really excited so many people who have never before voted, along with those who have long felt disenfranchised and have removed themselves from the political process until now.

We are also approaching a time when our economy is seeing lows and heading towards what many analysts have already named a recession. Layoffs, foreclosures, unemployment, and bank failures have been dramatically on the rise. This is becoming a global phenomenon, with foreign markets also falling greatly and even Iceland's economy crumbling. Consumer confidence has fallen immensely and the retail markets are suffering, preempting even more job losses. This approaching Christmas season is not expected to be anywhere near past levels for the retail sector.

I forget where I was going with this, but one essential point is that if you haven't already sent in your absentee ballot or participated in early voting, get out there on Election Day and let your voice be heard! I think that for once, so many people who felt like their vote wouldn't make a difference are starting to realize that they will. Everybody NEEDS to get out there and vote!

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