Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Couple of Updates...

Just a couple of random updates because I found out I can post through my BlackBerry when I'm using Opera Mini...

DJ Marty (yup, that's right, the One Man Party)... Well, there is a follow-up coming because the story didn't end where it left off. The everlovin' some-color-eyed DJ caught wind of the article I'd written about him and didn't take it lightly. It came down to threats of different varieties that really make for an interesting chapter two! It'll be coming soon, but I need to get emails off my work computer...

Band stuff is coming along with my new band, "Chico and the Chicano Boys". More on that in the near future.


TOKA TOCA said...

whhaaaattt?! let me know what happens with that! lol

fantastic said...

chico and the chicano boys??!
so how do you fit into that band?