Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Sarah Palin Effect

One thing I've been unable to understand, especially through this election year, is why people would choose someone that was seemingly incompetent, but was somebody they could relate to, for a job that was ultimately going to affect those making the decision. (Sorry, I'm weaning myself off of strictly political talk, but not cold turkey.) Ok, I was calling Sarah Palin seemingly incompetent here, but I'm not trying to pick fights, as I understand there are some bitter feelings in the aftermath of this election... What I don't understand is why would people consider someone wrong for a job, potentially not so wrong? "Joe the Plumber" is considering running for Congress in the future. He was dragged around on the campaign trail speaking his thoughts on the elections! Who is listening to some random guy that is working, with questionable legality, as a plumber and looking to him for political guidance?!?! What sense does this make and why does it happen in Politics? We don't turn to the farmer to gauge his enlightened viewpoints on our 401(k)'s. We don't look to our mechanic to check out a toothache. Why look to people with no business in politics or maybe just no business at the national level in some cases, in the hopes that they will be the ones best suited to making decisions for us?!?! It seems a little mad to me. On the opposite side, though, so did cries of being elite. I want the best, most elite and well-trained doctors, lawyers, and leaders! I don't want Joe Schmoe, Joe the Plumber, or Joe Sixpack filling any of those roles, personally... I am kind of an elitist, though...


fantastic said...

it's a trendy thing i think for some. like.."oh, we've noticed that the coolest thing that will help a good portion of americans feel like they can relate to their leaders, is to make those leaders the guy next door."

only thing is, what we really need is someone that has more than just a little training to be a plumber or mechanic...

Sione said...

Yeah, I'm not so sure that relating to my leaders is as important to me as their making the right decisions and choices that are best for all of us. I'd totally want to go grab a beer with Joe Biden, though! You know he'd be hilarious and generally good times...