Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Time for Change Arrived!

Well, it finally came and went, one of the most anticipated Election Days in ages... Tensions were high for everybody even slightly interested in the elections and I think this was one of the most highly watched elections in US history. With today's modern technology, it was also watched around the world in real time and people all around the world were excited when at 8:00pm last night, just as the west coast polls closed, Barack Obama was named as the next President of the United States. I know that there are many who were not excited and are actually bitter, from my experiences today, but last night, there was such a rush of excitement in the city of Seattle! People were running the streets, honking horns, yelling cheers, high-fiving, and practically EVERYBODY was happy and excited! It was like a wave of good feelings had just rushed over the city of Seattle (and from the calls and texts I received, all over the world)! Everybody was calling, texting, congratulating, celebrating, and communicating! It was really something. I felt the biggest relief after what felt like an endless campaign leading up to yesterday. It was such a relief on the one hand, but I was still very nervous about Washington's Gubernatorial race between the incumbent Governor Gregoire and Dino Rossi. It was looking really good around midnight and I finally felt like I could relax even more! The feeling in the air last night was incredible and just a wash of relief for so many around the world. Now, we need to maintain that feeling, but everybody needs to not just consider everything finished. We who wanted the change and everybody, actually, needs to keep on working towards improving our situation, changing the nation positively and rebuilding!

I'm still a little worried because I haven't heard what happened with Tim Eyman's latest proposal, but I hope it didn't pass!

1 comment:

fantastic said...

Vero Possumus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!