Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What rights do the incurably infectiously ill have?

I read an article earlier today off of the AP about a man who was diagnosed with what is apparently being touted as an uncurable strain of tuberculosis. He has been locked up, imprisoned in a locked room without the modern day amenities available to the common man. He's imprisoned in this room in Phoenix, Arizona, where health authorities had obtained a court order to lock him up, citing the reason as he was a threat to the public because he had not worn a mask in public. He's been locked up since last July and he could potentially be locked up for the rest of his life in order to protect the public from this illness that he suffers from.

This brings up the issue of how to deal with such a situation of a person infected with some possibly incurable and highly contageous disease. I feel kind of torn on the whole issue. On the one hand, it makes sense to take action to avoid an outbreak of said disease, but on the other hand, this person is going to have their life and rights taken away from them because they are sick. This has become a hot topic due to issues such as influenza viruses that have been killing more people lately and threatening talks of pandemics sweeping the globe quickly and killing millions of people. What will happen if such an occurrence does happen? Will people's rights be ignored in an effort to stop the spread of these infectious killers? When will the efforts of governments be enough to stop the spread and when will they become too much infringement on the rights of the people that the people will not tolerate it? It's tough to imagine and there will clearly be people on both sides of the line, depending on people's own, their family's, and friends' situations. I know I don't have the answers and I have a hard time just imagining what to do in such a situation myself...

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