Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Heroes: The Powers That Be...

Well, it's that exciting time of year when the new season starts for television and new episodes finally start coming on after a long hiatus. It's two episodes into the second season of Heroes, one of the biggest new hit shows of last season for NBC. It seems like there's a lot more in store for us this season!

At the conclusion of season one, Nathan and Peter Petrelli flew into the sky moments before Peter was due to explode taking half of Manhattan with him. Was Sylar finished? What's the plight of the cheerleader now? What is Hiro doing hundreds of years in the past? There's a lot to wrap up for season two. With so many characters, you'd think it was hard to follow the storyline(s), but it's a pretty seamless transition from one character to the next, once you get into the show.

So, for the start of season two, the previews have already showed Sylar in the picture. Nathan is alive and in New York and has fallen from politician to drunk, remorseful over the plight of his brother. Peter is alive, too, although it's hard to know yet if Nathan knows this. He is discovered somewhere around Ireland in a storage container with no idea who he is or the powers he holds. The cheerleader, Claire, and her family are in a new neighborhood somewhere in California (I think) and she's starting a new school and her father is starting a new job dealing with paper. They are working on laying low. Hiro is in the past, in Japan, and faced with the idea that his childhood hero is actually a white guy and seemingly not the hero he thought (although not if Hiro can do anything about it). There's a couple of new characters already, Maya and her twin brother, somewhere near the Mexican border. Her power is hard to understand so far. She starts to look like a weeping Virgin Mary statue with blood tears, then apparently all the people who look at her suffer death. Apparently, her brother is immune to this and can even bring back the people killed by her or something like that. They're on the run for America to find a doctor to cure her. There's more stories going on at the same time in the same timeline and sure to be more.

This season has seemed to start off great! I'm not so into Hiro's story, right now, but I'm still interested and he's a fascinating and loveable character. Hiro's father, back in the present, has been killed in front of Hiro's best friend Ando. The mind-reading cop and Mohinder are together and taking care of the young girl who can find others who have "powers". Mohinder is quietly working with Claire's father and has rescued the Haitian from a possible fatal virus in Haiti. There's still a lot more characters waiting for their season two appearances and if you watch the show, it won't seem nearly as segmented and disconnected as I've made it seem. There's a lot in store!


jenji said...

Sigh. Heroes...I finally had to pull the rip cord on that one. Yes, I jumped ship...they were killin me...sad to say, but true.


Sione said...

I understand. I know a few people who did the same. IF you can watch this last week's episode, it might bring you back! It finally made a turn for the better!