Friday, June 15, 2007

Riding the bus...

I have to admit, I've been loving it! I've only ridden the bus a few times from my home to work now, preferring to ride my bike, but it's been fantastic! The first time, I felt like it was the biggest hassle in the world, transferring not once, not twice, but three times for a total of four bus rides! I couldn't believe it and I was worried about making my transitions and such. By now, it's only the 3rd or 4th time, but it's totally comfortable and while I still carry a paper documenting my travel plans that I scrawled down, I don't really need it now. Seriously, it's been good times! Yesterday, I spent $1.25 on the trip to and $1.50 on the trip from work. That's a grand total of $2.75!! Way less than a gallon of gas (and I found a $1 in my work parking lot technically bringing my spending down to $1.75, though I wouldn't expect this as a daily occurrance)!

As much as I do love to bike, now that I've gotten into the "whole biking scene", it has been such a joy to not have to on these occasions that I haven't felt like it or when my legs were feeling a little stiff because I didn't stretch when I got home. On top of that was the greatest thing yesterday! When I got onto the Community Transit #441, they had free Wi-Fi on the bus! Unfortunately, I couldn't get my Nintendo DS to link up to it properly, but I was able to find the bus' network and that means I can bring my laptop or Compaq Ipaq and surf the web and take care of email and such on the way home! That's a more reliable internet source than I have in my own home (I search around for unlocked wireless networks that I can get a signal from)! For the price of the bus ride, there's free internet, comfy seats and I still don't have to deal with the traffic, just like on the bike! I'm definitely going to be taking the bus at least once or twice a week now!

1 comment:

fantastic said...

wow...who knew riding the bus could be so much fun!?!?